The Sociology Professor asked the Class. "What is a Criminal?"
A Student responded "One who gets caught"
The class laughed.
The Professor winced then elaborated about socially acceptable behavior as is collectively determined to be beneficial to all.
While of course there are nuances and exceptions which require time and change of culture to learn how a society succeeds. What was right at one time can be wrong later and the vice-a-versa applies to this growth as well.
Take for example America's own Salem Witch Trials. How many Wiccae exist today freely without fear of prosecution? What was a crime then, is now an activity, a faith , a belief system shared and practiced as part of the Common Good.
Despite Laws created for the Common Good there are those like Karl Rove, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld who believe that Justice is for others. George Bush has even joked that "it would be nice to be a dictator."
Well on May 9, 2007 it became real
And in true Bacchalian Spirit the Governor of Illinois is the proffered time saving de-vice.
As WE approach January 20th, 2009, rats are jumping ship, destroying evidence, hiding tracks getting as close to immunity from prosecution for their Crimes against Humanity through the thought of Tacit Approval afforded International Diplomacy and National Security to protect their own Private Interests.
Please read today's New York Times column by Frank Rich titled 2 Cheers for Blagojevich, for concise elaboration.
Here is the link:
Also today or sometime before January 20th, watch Robo-Cop and learn about Directive 4.
Here is a short clip,
which is the metaphor of a 2400 year old argument about Justice, being determined by those in power.
It will help you feel the difference between what is right and what is wrong, reminding you of what a Criminal is. Currently they are banking on that WE don't have the time or the money or the Law to "prove beyond a shadow of a doubt" that they have committed any crime. They've utilized these past 8 years to implement a Machiavellian Maze that only a few can be proud of.
The Common Good will prevail, and will surface the slime with calm, recalcitrant prodigiousness, because WE do know the difference of "IT".
And Our Governor is being sacrificed so that others of greater malfeasance can live as they choose, free and unencumbered by their social irresponsibility.
"IT" don't sound right.
West Wing Week 1/19, or "Obama, Farewell"
On our last, full day here at the White House, here is the Obama
Administration's 388th -- and final -- episode of our weekly round-up
video, West Wing W...
8 years ago
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