Thursday, September 17, 2009

This Much I know

Skin and Gender make each unique

the proof is DNA,

Skin and Gender is no measure
of honesty,
or competency,
or trustworthiness.

Kim an MS patient said
"We're all Different!
How couldn't we be?"


In opposition to malfeasance, caveat free.

  • Taxes are paying forward to those who provide services that benefit all.

  • Government exists to provide a stable and secure environment for humans and their ancillary organisms from Womb to Tomb.

  • Universal Healthcare is requisite for our innate social obligation to each other, which now has no borders.

  • One Language Only is a crime against humanity.

  • Dividing to Conquer reduces productive synergy.

  • Revering Existence is Good.

Chit with ya',

Peter Lott Heppner

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