Evenin' now Mornin' now Evenin'
The twitching left arm began the wave of rigidity commanding my body with possession. It was bad, no recourse, just calm to a coast;Somehow Someway Stabilize.Have to Call someone. Is this how I'm gonna die? Alone? It's only fitting I was born that way, lived that way,always wondering when & where do I fit in? On my own terms . Safe! To Dream.. To Do.Uncannily the rescue team is Brother #7 Chris & Wife #1 Diana w ho jump in to organize with precision my next Brain disability Adventure. To their Home in the Grove We go.
Cold darkness crowds my left side accompanied with imminence. In my last moon light with the usual beautiful dark blue backdrop, the smiling glow over shown the lit keyboard that would confirm obvious to my family;so much unfinished, undone, unresolved. take care, Lotsa Love Peter then back to confront this foreboding cold dark presence. I delve and the transformation begins immediately, closing in on infinity my next destination with Cal's words echoing as fast as the tunnel moved to somewhere where was the surprise. already?Transformation to the core with medical record and Spiritual Support.A cleansing , A molting part of healthy cell growth restructuring with hostile cell environment dancing to endure the unknown.through Spiritual guidance. the nice timing experiences occurring repeatedly
Asked during Hospital Admissions is this Heaven? she just smiled I went with Yes. I felt safe, warmer, time to move forward to dealing with brain being dragged AWOL. many details are in others memories, mine are experiences in science fiction where my brain got shut off an as it slowly got turned back on my legs reappeared, so did my arms, the short arm cast came along too.
Another commentary that the rest of are here to help the healers as each of us at some time or another will behave as a healer and doing so
Well I'm still here after a few more witnessed seizures, increased medication, Music playing that only I can hear.everything from memory is playing in time with my activity, complete in key & harmony, percussion with accents. No-one else hears it. It is all mine, radio-stream is background noise. vestigial. Outside sounds just jump into the mix as if improv jam set. so a trip to the Advocate Good Samaritan hospitalfor an evening of necessary assessments to be added to my medical history which is open to any & all my medical team and`growing
This is our public Works project with Global impact that will silence many irrational debates,
As the government is of the people by the people and for the people, each of us a member of the government and beholden to the betterment of the less fortunate healthcare as ambassador is better than warfare.
It begin's to be obvious to me that there are those who prefer delusion over others, a faux sense of inclusion with a chance to cull honesty from the population, pathetic but sneaky fuckers exist to sabotage at leisure. hopefully their` deluge of deception will be deflected by the temerity of character wise enough to see the difference and behave accordingly.The Patient and care giver are a team which helps other a trickle of knowledge for others. Medicine is a selfless service with undying import. The Patient must participate through curiosity of a didactic clarity and intensity, emotions can get in the way of insight to heal. Prayer positive visualization are vital tools to utilize. understanding how one's body is built and functions is important schtuff to be explore in science classes, (The Petri dish needs a nap it is 11:00AM.) Well am up and slow, learning how to connect web cam while moving through this fog of memory music, healing pain of right arm, overall frustration with living through this impending disability that can even greater the circumstances I am already. Pardon the ramble.
My muscles are weaker compounding my irritibility. then there are those who like me believe that this just another example of what it takes to be resilient, adaptable, to return a rogue RNA sequence to its' orignal Purposes
Meantime family break: my brother Chris & me.sorting through the serious
movin' forward,
West Wing Week 1/19, or "Obama, Farewell"
On our last, full day here at the White House, here is the Obama
Administration's 388th -- and final -- episode of our weekly round-up
video, West Wing W...
8 years ago
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