Wednesday, December 31, 2008

You're Invited



Peter Lott Heppner

Last and First

Last & First

What can we say 'bout 2008?

Time did not wait!
What can we say 'bout 2009?
Let's make it Fine!

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Regrow your own body Tissues

Regenerative Tissue Therapy

Fighting Cancer with Cancer

Cancer could cure Cancer

Ideology, Hidden Agenda versus Truth in early 1900's

Ludwig Von Mises

Intransigent for Freedom

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Keep Holy the Sabbath

Religiosity, Nueroscience and our weekly prayer service. There is a reasonable explanation to our collective need to commune in spirit. We are physically addicted to the release of Dopamine. Ommm, ahhh, ♫♪In nomine patris et filli et spiritus sancti♫♪
Can ya' feel it? Peace be with you.

Alley Patron

Friday, December 26, 2008

We Become God

Perspicacious Journey

Through Our Ethnosphere

Happy "Day after Christmas Day"

The Magic of Free Parking

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Happy Holidays, I mean it!!

The irony is that beginning with Thanksgiving followed by Ramadan, Hanukkah, Christmas then Gregorian New Years the Holidays will result in Suicides. And after the emotional Roller Coaster Humanity has been thru from 2000 till Now, I anticipate a Spike in the 2008 numbers sooo, as my gift against the odds here are 3 pieces, beginning with my own from a year ago before I was diagnosed with 3 Grade III Anaplastic Astrocytomas, I'm still here and am planning to ride my bike again but with a different head of hair. What Kind? Don't know! Nature, Radiation & Chemo will work it out.

I'll Live with their result.

In the meantime:

3 thoughts:
  • Listen
  • Awareness
  • Hope

Happy Holidays, I Mean it!!!

Peter Lott Heppner

Thanx For Listenin'">

Suicide Awareness, Give Hope">

Suicide Prevention, Alone in the Labyrinth">

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Happy Birthday Boss

Years Ago, this piece by Stan Lynde, moved me.

Years Later, I discovered, I wasn't alone.


Peter Lott Heppner

Word From Rome

Pope: Parties Can Be Organized, But Joy Is a Gift
Says It Has Been Given in Abundance

VATICAN CITY, DEC. 24, 2008 ( Benedict XVI says that joy is a gift, a fruit of the Holy Spirit, and that in this gift, all others are summed up.

This was one of the Pope's reflections Monday when he met with the Roman Curia and other officials for the traditional exchange of Christmas greetings.

"A party is an integral part of joy," the Holy Father acknowledged. "And a party can be organized, but joy cannot.

"It can only be offered as a gift; and, in fact, it has been given us in abundance. That's why we feel grateful."

The Pontiff recalled how St. Paul lists joy among the fruits of the Holy Spirit and in the same way, St. John unites the Spirit and joy.

"Joy is the gift in which all other gifts are summed up," the Bishop of Rome affirmed, just a few days before Christmas. "It is the expression of happiness, of being in harmony with oneself, something that can only be derived from being in harmony with God and his creation."

And, he continued, "part of the nature of joy is spreading itself, having to be communicated."

The mission of the Church, the Pope explained, "is nothing more than the impulse to communicate the joy that has been given us. May it always be alive in us, and then, may it irradiate to the world in its tribulations: This is my wish for the end of this year."

The Moon

NASA Scientist Jennifer Heldmann lectures about The Moon

Reality Galaxy

Our Galaxy

Happy Festivus Ya'll

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Which way is UP?

While walking with my Dad during September 11, 2008 at around 12:21pm was able to catch this Snapshot of the Sky over Grant Park, Chicago.
Feels like my lyric from "Ai"
♪"Why look down to see the Sky?"♫

The Answer is, to see which way is UP!

Peter Lott Heppner

Monday, December 22, 2008

Building a Friendlier World

Building by Blogging

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Indirect Communication

What one says? when not Saying!

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Freedom Re-Written?

Freedom Re-Written?

Freedom to Ask!

Freedom to Ask!

Thursday, December 18, 2008



Eighty to One
to live

Hundred years
to create

safer place for kids
safer for children now
than when we were kids

That's OUR Job

The pain that was OUR's
is not


It Is


with pride,



Really means




Peter Lott Heppner

Wednesday, December 17, 2008


I'm a genius until I go in public, speak to a stranger, or talk with a family member.

My intelligence returns when I read something inspirational, speak with a stranger or talk with a friend.

Alley Patron

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

The Shoe thrown 'round the World

Ya' Gotta Love these Times!

The Shoe thrown 'round the World, speaks freely so that we hear what someone else is saying, beyond the filters, despite language differences, in front of cameras before editing. Free from a talking head interpretation. Free for us to see the moment and question it privately, normally.

Compliments to President Bush for observing a few moments after two brush down throws, that Muntazer al Zaidi, a news reporter for independent al-Bagdadiya Television, is living in a Free Society and the act of throwing a shoe was a form of democratic expression. "It's like going to a political rally and having people yell at you. It's like driving down the street and have people not gesturing with all five fingers..." correlating experiences he is familiar with.

His point can be readily understood during the 2006 White House Correspondents Association Dinner featuring Steven Colbert skewering without interruption both the Bush-Cheney Administration and OUR Free Press.

Yep, the Global Common Good is now Real Time phenomenon for non-engaged observers.

Montazer al Zaidi has one heck of a right arm! He might have missed the President, but he did hit a nerve. Does he pitch for anyone?

Peter Lott Heppner

Monday, December 15, 2008

I Love Life

I Love,
I Understand
Footprints in the Sand
The One Pair Always There
has been
The Breeze through the trees
The Distant dogs bark
The Moons' Shadow
The Suns' Warmth
A Kind Word
They carry me
Incipient Racism
Covert Sexism
Invincible Selfishness
Pretentious Arrogance
Pricetag Generosity
Plastic Compassion
Places in Hell
Years of that
To Know the Difference of this
Is Better Than
Because Right Now
I have always been a part
Of something which I Love,

Peter Lott Heppner

Sunday, December 14, 2008

The Difference of "IT"

The Sociology Professor asked the Class. "What is a Criminal?"

A Student responded "One who gets caught"

The class laughed.

The Professor winced then elaborated about socially acceptable behavior as is collectively determined to be beneficial to all.

While of course there are nuances and exceptions which require time and change of culture to learn how a society succeeds. What was right at one time can be wrong later and the vice-a-versa applies to this growth as well.

Take for example America's own Salem Witch Trials. How many Wiccae exist today freely without fear of prosecution? What was a crime then, is now an activity, a faith , a belief system shared and practiced as part of the Common Good.

Despite Laws created for the Common Good there are those like Karl Rove, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld who believe that Justice is for others. George Bush has even joked that "it would be nice to be a dictator."

Well on May 9, 2007 it became real

And in true Bacchalian Spirit the Governor of Illinois is the proffered time saving de-vice.

As WE approach January 20th, 2009, rats are jumping ship, destroying evidence, hiding tracks getting as close to immunity from prosecution for their Crimes against Humanity through the thought of Tacit Approval afforded International Diplomacy and National Security to protect their own Private Interests.

Please read today's New York Times column by Frank Rich titled 2 Cheers for Blagojevich, for concise elaboration.

Here is the link:

Also today or sometime before January 20th, watch Robo-Cop and learn about Directive 4.
Here is a short clip,

which is the metaphor of a 2400 year old argument about Justice, being determined by those in power.

It will help you feel the difference between what is right and what is wrong, reminding you of what a Criminal is. Currently they are banking on that WE don't have the time or the money or the Law to "prove beyond a shadow of a doubt" that they have committed any crime. They've utilized these past 8 years to implement a Machiavellian Maze that only a few can be proud of.

The Common Good will prevail, and will surface the slime with calm, recalcitrant prodigiousness, because WE do know the difference of "IT".

And Our Governor is being sacrificed so that others of greater malfeasance can live as they choose, free and unencumbered by their social irresponsibility.

"IT" don't sound right.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Question Everything

Question Everything You Read,

Even These Words.
Truth must Surface,
Above the Slime.

Peter Lott Heppner

Friday, December 12, 2008

Fixed problem

To fix the font color problem, I re-did the links and now am back to Normal.

Thanx for the Input.


The Links

It appears as tho the Purple and Blue were connected to links dated the 10th. Am still working on this.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Virus Alert

Black Red Yellow and White are the colors of this Blog,
But today somehow someway they were changed to include Blue & Purple

Have contacted Google Blogger Help to fix this glitch, which seems to bounce like Bi-Polarity between posts

Pass it on,

Minor Leaguer

Yesterday Chicago Tribune alerts became very active around 8am; there was an early morning arrest in Ravenswood Manor. The news grew with rapid proliferation to the BBC then to CNN, the direction, attention, with deliberate intention zeroing in on President Elect Barack Obama.

The energetic effort forward of so many who helped elect this Senator from Illinois, President of the United States was being impeded and usurped by an Executive Branch in charge of the Justice Department. As far as corruption goes, Governor Blagojevich is a minor leaguer, and is now being traded.

"The Business of America is Business", stated President Coolidge.

The Bush-Cheney Administration is a network of Oil, Armament and Capital. America is a Corporation, being downsized, outsourced, multi-tasked and supply/value-chained.

Politics has mutated from "as usual" to beyond the Common Good. The Machiavellians returned under the steerage of Rove, Cheney & Rumsfeld. President Bush was their figurehead/tutelage.

The next 4 years preferably 8 years or more determinedly, as whatever the job takes, are going to require political activism of the scale that defines democracy; which more aptly attests to the reality of our interdependency, despite the concentrated efforts of autocrats in their myriad forms, WE the People are incumbent to press on.

It is easy to portend more "slings and arrows of outrageous misfortune" being hurled at the Obama-Biden Administration in the form of Guerilla Marketing with affable assistance from the Log Cabin Republicans, under the disguise of open debate. Despite 2 stolen Elections in a row, our recent Campaign experience has demonstrated the degree of beguiling innuendo created to misinform, distract, in order to surreptitiously succeed in undermining the health and well being of the many for the privy of a few.

Refer to:

DOJ Press Press Release

Criminal Complaint

Network Map

( Print & Play fill in the Blanks, then Pretend you're in the Network)

Monday, December 8, 2008

Free to See

Wonders are everywhere

Free to See

A crescent moon is seen below Jupiter (top) and Venus in Kathmandu December 1, 2008.

REUTERS/Gopal Chitrakar (NEPAL)

Sunday, December 7, 2008

In case you missed the good news

From my E-Mail
Click on the link for President-Elect Obama's Weekly address
from yesterday,
December 6th, 2008

FOCUS | Obama Pledges Public Works on a Vast Scale
Peter Baker and John M. Broder, The New York Times: "President-elect Barack Obama promised Saturday to create the largest public works construction program since the inception of the interstate highway system a half century ago as he seeks to put together a plan to resuscitate the reeling economy. With jobs evaporating and the recession deepening, Mr. Obama began highlighting elements of the economic recovery program he is trying to fashion with Congressional leaders in hopes of being able to enact it shortly after being sworn in on January 20."

Saturday, December 6, 2008

The following is courtesy of

December 6th, 2008

Thought for the day

Today's Gift

Believe that life is worth living, and your belief will help create the fact.

--William James

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Take a Trip through Of

Artists are Scientists of the Senses.
Scientists are Artistically Sensitive.
Trust is the Entropy of Social Cohesion.
Deception is the Tool of Malcontents whose only achievement will be the injury of others,
For the purposes of Self
Honesty is the Healthier path of Life, has been and will always be...
Here is a ♫♪Musical Moment♫♪ in a place,
Committed to the Well Being of Humanity.
Enjoy your part of it...

Alley Patron