Friday, October 30, 2009

Sober yet Stoned by Disbelief


Have what felt were productive days by getting a few things done that were top priority items. Moments meant to restore life, for as much as can be lived through.

However there are those with ambitions for power over people through profit instead power with people through Health.

This began in May

From May 11, 2009
Remember the Baucus Eight!
"Among the giant taboos afflicting Congress these days is the proposal to create a single payer health insurance system (often called full Medicare for everyone).
How can this be? Don’t the elected politicians represent the people? Don't they always have their finger to the wind?"

America's Best Political Newsletter.

And this is Today

Politics for liberal newsgeeks


From October 30, 2009
Do words matter?
How about this word:


Healthcare Degrees of Separation, Overlap, Connection

Health care reform is a major piece of this year's legislative program. In total, five committees will have held hearings on the issue and marked up a bill to reform the health care system in the United

Keep calling and sending those e-mails is what I will continue to do


It's no secret that institutions of all stripes focus their communications on certain messages day to day. We thought it would all be a little more open and transparent if we went ahead and published what our focus will be for the day, along with any related articles, documents, or reports.

Supporting video: "What's Good About Health Care Reform for Seniors? A new series of videos addresses how health care reform would safeguard Medicare," AARP

Talking Points: Strengthening Medicare through Health Insurance Reform

  • President Obama is committed to protecting and strengthening Medicare for America's seniors – anyone who tells you different is trying to scare and deliberately mislead you. Health insurance reform will not cut Medicare benefits. Period.
  • Medicare is a sacred trust with America's seniors and the President’s health insurance reform plan will ensure that trust is never broken.
  • Not a dime of the Medicare trust fund will be used to pay for reform.
  • Instead it eliminates waste to strengthen the financial health of the program.
    • It will end wasteful overpayments to insurance companies through Medicare Advantage. There is no evidence these overpayments improve the quality of care for seniors, yet they contribute to higher premiums for all Medicare beneficiaries.
    • Eliminating these overpayments adds years to the Medicare trust fund.
  • Reform will make care more affordable for seniors.
    • It will substantially reduce the cost of prescription drugs for seniors who fall into that gap in coverage known as the Donut Hole. And the President is committed to closing that donut hole altogether.
    • It will make preventive services free.
    • And it will aggressively attack fraud and abuse that raise Medicare costs for all seniors and taxpayers.
  • Reform will also improve care for Seniors.
    • It will move Medicare toward a system that rewards high-quality care and invest in innovations in primary care.
    • It will result in better coordination of care and an end to the duplicate tests and bureaucracy.
    • It will make long-term care services more affordable.
    • And it will eliminate the imminent physician payment cut that threatens to constrict doctor choices for seniors.

Until the Votes are in Practice & Learn about Legislation From
Use the drop-down menu to select a topic (e.g., bills) and a timeframe (e.g., past 30 days). Then click any column name (e.g., Votes) to sort by highest or lowest level of user activity. To get your votes ...

Sober is Better,

Hi Everyone!

Please put this info about
Sen. Burris's Health Care Reform Address
at Stroger Hospital
on Monday,
Nov. 2,
at 10:30 am to 11:30 am
on your calendar!

We have always wanted a champion on the issue of the Public Option and he even supports Single Payer if it comes up! Let's show him our thanks and support by showing up and giving him a great welcome! Let's pack the house! This is one event that both Public Option and Single Payer groups can get behind!

See you there!
Melody Brynne DeGagne
Chicago Central Council Coordinator

Monday, October 26, 2009

how many....?


how many actions have not worked?

how many directions have there been?

how many injuries have been collected?

how many words have been read?

how many people have said"goodbye"!?

how many dogs have wagged their tails?

how many cats have flicked their tails?

how many leaves have been raked?

how many snowflakes have been shoveled?

how many dreams have been liquidated?

how many moments have been alone?

Monday, October 26, 2009

You are reading from the book The Language of Letting Go


I know better than to not trust God., But sometimes, I forget that.

When we are in the midst of an experience, it is easy to forget that there is a Plan. Sometimes, all we can see is today.

If we were to watch only two minutes of the middle of a television program, it would make little sense. It would be a disconnected event.

If we were to watch a weaver sewing a tapestry for only a few moments, and focused on only a small piece of the work, it would not look beautiful. It would look like a few peculiar threads randomly placed.

How often we use that same, limited perspective to look at our life - especially when we are going through a difficult time.

We can learn to have perspective when we are going through those confusing, difficult learning times. When we are being pelted by events that make us feel, think, and question, we are in the midst of learning something important.

We can trust that something valuable is being worked out in us - even when things are difficult, even when we cannot get our bearings. Insight and clarity do not come until we have mastered our lesson.

Faith is like a muscle. It must be exercised to grow strong. Repeated experiences of having to trust what we can't see and repeated experiences of learning to trust that things will work out are what makes our faith muscles grow strong.

Today, I will trust that the events in my life are not random. My experiences are not a mistake. The Universe, my Higher Power, and life are not picking on me. I am going through what I need to go through to learn something valuable, something that will prepare me for the joy and love I am seeking.

From The Language of Letting Go by Melody Beattie ©1990, Hazelden Foundation. All rights reserved. No portion of this publication may be reproduced in any manner without the written permission of the publisher.

Eric Foner
April 5, 2005
Running Time: 1:25:25

Although the idea of freedom is nearly ubiquitous in American public discourse -- and perhaps no more so than today – it has been subject to a remarkable degree of flux over the course of the nation’s history. ...

William Lloyd Garrison's words appeared on the masthead of the Liberator.
“Our Country is the World; Our Countrymen are all Mankind”.

Boston-based Abolitionist newspaper, published by William Lloyd Garrison, 1831-1865

In the very first issue of his anti-slavery newspaper, the Liberator, William Lloyd Garrison stated, "I do not wish to think, or speak, or write, with moderation. . . . I am in earnest -- I will not equivocate ...

Frederick Douglass stood at the podium, trembling with nervousness. Before him sat abolitionists who had travelled to the Massachusetts island of Nantucket. Only 23 years old at the time, Douglass overcame his nervousness and gave a stirring, eloquent speech about his life as a slave. ...

"The time has passed when ideas scare us"
-Nikita Kruschev

On July 24, 1959, Vice President Richard Nixon and Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev spent hours publicly debating cultural ideology at the American National Exhibit in Moscow. This is an excerpt from the documentary "Leisurama", produced and directed by Jake Gorst, executive producer Dana Eshghi. ....

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Somehow Someway Self Reminder


Sunday, October 25, 2009

You are reading from the book Touchstones

The wild geese do not intend to cast their reflection; the water has no mind to receive their image.
—Zenrin poem

There are moments which simply happen through no conscious intention or will on anyone's part. The image of an old woman with a peaceful face, the smell of smoke rising from a chimney on a chilly night, the knowing look of recognition from a friend as we make a comment, the special feeling of a touch. These are spiritual moments because they reach a deeper part of our being. They are like a sliver in time set aside which nourishes our souls and adds serenity to our lives.

We grow when we learn to notice these kinds of moments. In our willfulness, we have often missed them before because we simply were not open to anything we weren't already looking for. This world is so much larger than the human mind. In recovery, we can take time to admire the beauty reflected around us.

Today, I will let the rest of life intrude upon my mind. I will let myself be nourished by what comes along.

From Touchstones: A Book of Daily Meditations for Men ©1986, 1991 by Hazelden Foundation. All rights reserved. No portion of this publication may be reproduced in any manner without the written permission of the publisher.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Earthcare is part of Universal Healthcare


For those who like to breathe, Earthcare is part of Universal Healthcare

From Bill McKibben of in my e-mail today


I can hardly believe my eyes.

16 hours ago, citizens in New Zealand gathered before dawn next to a wind turbine on a mountaintop. As local elders said prayers to bless the global event, banners and signs were held high to to greet the planet's first rays of sunlight on this most incredible of days.

As the sun continues across the planet we've been receiving photos and video of rallies in
Ethiopia, bike rides in Wellington, SCUBA divers in Australia, organizers planting 350 trees in Thailand, hundreds of students marching in India and Nepal and Mongolia. And we're getting reports from offices around the world that the phones are ringing off the hook with calls from the media who want to cover the story.

The day is just beginning and already it's larger, more powerful, and so much more beautiful than I ever could have imagined. I've been a writer my entire life and yet words truly cannot describe what you have accomplished already. To truly grasp today, please stay tuned to our website as more and more photos come in from across the planet, and especially our evolving photo slideshow.

And the best news of all? The day has just begun!


P.S. Have a photo to contribute? Just send a decent-quality picture to and make the subject "City, Country" and make sure that the body of the e-mail contains a description of the photo, any necessary photographer credits, and any other information you think we'll need. So many thanks."

For what it's worth

Global warming means: no snowboarding, no Skiing, no dog sleds, no tobogganing, no snow angels

Have at it,

Peter Lott Heppner

Alley Patron




AHIP is the powerful insurance lobby that spends 5 million dollars a week trying to kill health care reform. Billionaires for Wealthcare is a grassroots network looking to stop them - with song. • AHIP ..


A rap satire on the lies and disinformation in the health care debate as performed by two angry elders -- one the rapper and the other the drummer.

P.S. 2

40 years ago this interview sounds like somewhere here, now
Billy James Hargis - 1968 - Gordon Skene Sound Collection

" In 1976, however, Time magazine reported that a student couple, married by Hargis in the college chapel, discovered on their wedding night that both had lost their virginity to Hargis. A number of male choir members accused him of coercing them into sex, justifying his seductions by quoting the example of David lying with Jonathan. Hargis denied the charges, saying communists and Satan were conspiring against him."

Also in 1976

Super Rare - from a German TV Broadcast Line up: tom canning - piano, rhodes jerome rimson - bass nigel wilkinson - drums Jarreau at his very best!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Headache Mystery Solved

For what it's worth:Headache mystery solved

Yesterdays' MRI showed a "brittle starfish" like shape where a spot used to be three months ago.

This means no more Temodar. Am applying for another Clinical Study, combining Avastin with Enzastaurin.

A few reflections:
  • The Good News about Bad News is knowing the Bad News.
  • When one is an outcast one has alot of time to be alone
  • Digital Data Back-up beats venomous innuendo
  • I never saw a wild thing sorry for itself.
    —D. H. Lawrence

Monday, October 19, 2009

Earth Care is part of Universal Healthcare


Began Today thinking about yesterday, tomorrow & my inability to communicate to others in person, about the Big Picture , which now integrates Peace & Turmoil, at light speed and a mouse click.

If one is born now will they know this was here before them?
Did I?
Did You?
Did anyone?
Will Anyone?


We Live hopefully
long enough to Learn
long enough to Laugh
long enough to Love
which is many things
of wonder
of kindness
of honesty
of courage
of rationale
of spirit
of sunlight
of rain
of wind
of .....

On March 28 hundreds of millions of people worldwide switched off their lights for Earth Hour, voting for earth over global warming. Earth Hour’s VOTE EARTH campaign is aimed at building upon this mandate in the lead up to the UN Climate Summit in Copenhagen in December. ...


"To The Beat of Salsa, Bachata and La Bamba at the White House As Hispanic Heritage Month neared its end, President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama hosted several Latin music artists and entertainers, as well as more than 380 guests including members of Congress and community leaders from across the country for a celebration of Latin music last Tuesday night. The Fiesta Latina at the White House was part of a musical series that dates back to 1978, and which included Jazz and Country music nights earlier this year, but this was the first focused on Hispanic heritage and Latin music."

The President and First Lady host a celebration of Latin Music

Contrasts that we also don't know at birth,
which do not help LIFE
are turning Lie's into Truth
are a few containing many
are herding humanity
are ranching regions
are killing innocents
calling plunder, progress
thinking Sex is Love
believing propaganda

This Morning is moving
Time to rake some Leaves


P.S. Some Healthcare Humor

♫♪ how much is your deductible♫☺♥

In desperate times, women have desperate needs.