Thursday, October 15, 2009

Timely Parallel


Heck of a day today, and what did I accomplish? Nothing on the list written this morning. Just read articles, bantered slightly in the ether with no one but me. Left a message, sent a few e-mails, picked up mail, waiting for a letter of importance. Had an update conversation about cancer with the husband of a family friend. He needs to talk and I can listen, sooo hopefully they'll get through her latest treatment.

It parallels this timely article a well written first person commentary on cancer
I was thinking of it as one of those drive-by mammograms, one stop in a series of mundane missions including post office, supermarket, and gym, but I began to lose my nerve in the changing room, and not ...

Which was after watching this

3 part series from the 1950's

If I were to summarize message Michael Moore's new movie, Capitalism: A Love Story in one sentence, it would be this: Capitalism is not a form of government. That's the answer to the question posed at the beginning of the movie, via 1950s

Having the Luxury to Contrast & Compare then & now with memories of those times.
Capitalism looks like an addiction, a cash strapped social behavior in a communal environment obligated and indebted by each individual to behave feudally. Freedom to comply or suffer the consequences of withholding.

Fast Forward to today and just as the lessons of then fade, consequences appear trying the old rules that got us into this mess. They don't want to fade with change so, we negotiate again.

The daily Progressive Breakfast serves up what progressive movement members need to know to start their day. WH, Senate Begin Work To Craft Final Bill more »

& again with Medicare for all a good idea

First he was for it. Then he was against it.

& with a little horse sense help

"America's shouting match over health care reform has turned completely goofy and I'm not talking about confused seniors at teabag rallies getting red-faced with anger after being told by the right-wing scare machine that "government is trying to take over Medicare." No, I'm talking about our United States Senators."

Ambassador Richard Holbrooke is America's "Man in the Stans"--Afghanistan and Pakistan, that is. Handpicked by President Obama to be special representative to what is at present the hottest of hot spots ...

And help with

Explaining Public Health Insurance Option

A new government insurance program, the so-called public option, would be created by all but one of the health care bills being considered by Congress. It was proposed by President Obama as a way of \
A day after the Senate Finance Committee approved a measure without a “public option,” the question is how the president can reconcile party divisions on the issue.

We can get to

Some local groups are even planning so-called "die-ins," which will involve protestors lying down and playing dead to represent the Americans who die every day because they can't get adequate healthcare

& the same 30 Republican Senators against Healthcare reform,up in arms against Acorn are also showcased in Thirty Republicans a You Tube Video by



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