Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Bi-Partisan by 1?


Day 4 of 5, feel fine, now again if I approached my cancer the way Health Reform is being approached, I'd be Dead.

One more Time

Can print this jpeg and post it everywhere, to Politically Resuscitate HR 676. The Moral Aptitude not seen in War or Greed is here to help the healing. After 100 years Universal Healthcare for All is our Natural Progression of Humanity towards Humanity.

Source: www.healthcare-now.org
Single-Payer Healthcare News and Updates

Source: my.barackobama.com
Despite increasingly desperate attacks from the insurance lobby, the Senate Finance Committee took the historic step of voting reform legislation out of committee with bipartisan support. They're the final ...

Source: www.nytimes.com
Senator Olympia J. Snowe, Republican of Maine, joined all 13 Democrats on the Senate Finance Committee in voting to approve a bill to overhaul the health care system.

Source: www.slate.com
Assuming the Senate finance committee approves the Baucus health reform bill as planned, Tuesday will be a red-letter day in health care history, bringing comprehensive reform nearer the finish line than ever before.

Am tired at the moment, sooo, will see how far my thoughts go.

How is it that Expenditures to kill and steal are easy to Legislate while those needed to Heal receive rancorous disingenuous debate? What prevents Republicans from participating with Moral Aptitude?

Good Night,

& Sweet Dreams



Source: mitworld.mit.edu
Researchers have known for some time that the neurotransmitter dopamine is centrally involved in learning and working memory, Roshan Cools tells us, and that dopamine-responsive circuits connect these ...


Roshan Cools

Principal Investigator, Donders Centre for CognitiveNeuroimaging, Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour

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