Thursday, November 26, 2009

Energy Preservative

Oil is the Preservative of Military Energy
Peter Lott Heppner

Thought I was being clever, then I discovered this fact, It is not our love for horsepower that causes bother  at the pumps, It is a very thirsty Military Machinery that is first in line.
"As the saying goes, facts are many but the truth is one. The truth is that the U.S. military is the single largest consumer of energy in the world. But as a wise man once said, don't confuse facts with reality. The reality is that even U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) does not know precisely where and how much energy it consumes. This is my Fact Zero."

Perseverant or Stubborn?

Thursday, November 26, 2009
You are reading from the book Today's Gift

Giving up is not giving in, nor is it failing. It is no longer needing to be right.

When someone tells us a riddle, we may give up if we don't know the answer. We give up because we are tired of trying to get it, or because we are eager to find out what it is. 

Giving up in other situations, may be more difficult. We may need to give up eating something that isn't healthy for us. We may need to give up trying to win an argument. We may need to give up old clothes that we love which no longer fit us. When we don't want to give up, it may be because we have forgotten the knowledge, health, or peace of mind we gain by doing so.

In each case, giving up means growth and going on with our lives. Giving up may mean many different things in different situations, but it does not mean doing nothing. It means doing what seems right for us and giving up the expectation that what happens will be exactly what we want.

What can I gain by giving up something that is harmful today?

From Today's Gift: Daily Meditations for Families ©1985, 1991 by Hazelden Foundation. All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. No portion of this publication may be reproduced in any manner without the written permission of the publisher.

5 hours


Care for some perspective?

Brownline to Blueline to Cook County Stroger
Update Medical files with Oncologist Assistance
Blueline to Brownline to Home
 5 Hours

Belmont Bus to Blueline to O'Hare
United To Ronald Reagan
 to Yellow or Blue line to Red line to NIH

Way Cool
I'm living if-only-dreams



The grass is not greener on the field
In Washington today, politicians too often just stand their ground. Liberal strategist Bob Beckel and conservative columnist Cal Thomas provide a better model.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Less profound continued


As there is time available,
 till my CT in 4 hours
 with a portal to say my say for a while,
here's my blurb 

One can do one's  best thinking during a crisis
 creativity gets some exercise
The Job is to Live  through it
 Show others how-to


Page 140

I replied "Even with military training, there is no way a man can accidentally blow his head off with a shotgun."

Many years earlier, so long ago that I was a student at the University of Chicago, I had a conversation with my thesis advisor about arts in general. At that time, I had no idea that I personally would go into any sort of art.
He said,"You know what artists are?"
I didn't.
"Artists," he said, "are people who say 'I can't fix my country or my state or my city or even my marriage. But by golly, I can make this square of canvas, or this eight-and-a-half-by-eleven piece of paper, or this lump of clay, or these twelve bars of music, exactly what they ought to be!' "

About five years after that, he did what Hitler's Minister of Propaganda and his wife and their kids did at the end of World War Two. He swallowed potassium cyanide.

Deja Vu got recycled the other morning. A friend was describing a zero to psycho in nano second moment with his latest sweet smelling, jiggle a plenty, got- the-ootsie-down gal pal and I opined about power with a giggle.  In a flash I remembered being sage-ish, about 30 years earlier with another friend, in similar fashionable straits. 6 months later my words would echo back too help me with my dumb-as-box-of-rocks response to my tender, sexplorer as she melted down. I tried to heed my own advice and failed.  

This means in 6 months there will be a filly bucking me  in my corral.


Saturday, November 21, 2009

fifty two


6 Billion Larvae Sexually Selecting
Colored Lemmings Competing for Affection
Dismal Blend of Baffling Beatitudes

What has Evolution accomplished?
If Prey will not be Prey then what of the Predator?
Who is really Predated?

As Gaia has been and will continue to be
Despite many missives
which become dismissive

Fingerprints revealed an unwanted Man
Blood test showed a little more to go
Happy fifty two to me

Self nourish on the fat
Trim with the mind
Think Heal


Thursday, November 19, 2009



Emotional Aphasia is what I want to call it, whether mine is pharmaceutical or neurological, my memory of an inability to speak because of rife emotions, seems to be a working definition for me.  While trying to explain to people my current state my words are slow, whether it is because of the depression, or the radioactive isotopes for the PET Scan or the MRI Contrast, communication is tawdry.

Am temporaruily suspended from the net due to poverty, and dis-communication.  This confounds my attempts to feel a sense of belonging/connection/engagement ergo frustration.

Thought of converting Lightning into Energy then discovered here today in the Library this idea is prevalent & popular. Need to get my Net back.

Chit with ya',


Tuesday, November 17, 2009

ISP Transition

Mornin' Bethesda,

On November 3rd, Internet Service Provided by RCN, ceased. 
On November 23rd hopefully Internet service by Comcast will begin.

It is a lesson of affordability & access.  As it became unaffordable, my access also became limited, the library maxes at 1hr, at 3 in the morning the library is closed.  This experience is compounded on a larger scale by others illiterate with it's use and implementation of information. Infuse this with the for profit sides of humanity trying to overwhelm the philanthropic sides of humanity and the separation of the masses has global dynamics portending the fate of Gaia at the hands of which humanity prevails.

Invariably Gaia will prevail where humanity won't due to suffocation or starvation, kinda' like thought requiring healthy communication.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Grapes of Wrath

This is Deja vu to me. A very enjoyable, pertinent and inspiring film.

Helped me to see, once again, I ain't alone, nor the first to question predatory power.

Toothless Law


Rat-fuck-ing is how
Re-pub-lic-an is who
Take your Pick is what
Anywhere is where
Anytime is when
Power is why
Today's example



Gee, who’s that scrap of paper? He really looks important.

I’m just a bill, the clean green energy bill. Gonna change things here on Capitol Hill.

Well everyone was sick of oil wars and apocalyptic weather. Needed energy security so the people got together and decided I should be a law. How I hope and pray that I will, but today I am still just a bill.

So what kind of bill are you?

Well Billy, I’m chock full of visionary ideas to keep the climate cool, create millions of good green jobs and turn around our economic meltdown.

Wow, that’s incredible. With so much common sense, you should have no trouble becoming a law!

Yeah Billy. In fact, some very nice fellows from the energy industry said they’d prepare me for my congressional hearings, so I can get passed.

I’m just a bill, yes I’m only a bill, getting mugged up here on Capitol Hill. Some corporate thugs from K Street came down to the committee. They didn’t show mercy and they didn’t show no pity. Made sure I’d be a toothless law. Oh man! Now today I am one sorry bill.

Oh man. Hey Bill, what the hell happened? You look like $#!%!

Oh it was awful! They took out some of my very best parts Billy, and they inserted some language in there that frankly, I’m not too proud of. Now, I undermine the Clean Air Act, give away billions to polluters, and my carbon offsets clause is just a fancy way of letting dirty coal pay to pollute.

I’m just a bill, a lonely energy bill. Need a friend up here on Capitol Hill. It’s not too late to save me from these greedy corporations. Folks need real hope and change all across the nation. We’re all counting on a kick-ass law. How I hope and pray that you will raise some hell for this energy bill!

Learn more, take action and tell your friends

After watching, we hope you'll sign our petition asking your senators to fix the bill and to share our video with your friends.

For more information about how polluting special interests impacted the Waxman-Markey Energy Bill, HR 2454 and what senators need to do to fix it, click here.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Senator Burris Healthcare Reform


Yesterday, was able to record Senator Roland Burris at Stroger Cook County Hospital, one floor above the Linear Accelerator Treatments on Brain.

Tonite was able to learn how to put a few clips together for this piece

More on the way,

HR 676 S 703 or Better

Contact, Communicate


E-mail, call or write the President, Congress or state and local government based on your ZIP code. Find groups' Take Action alerts or create your own.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

D.S.T. versus reality versus B.D.S


Plants & Animals don't change their clocks for daylight savings time

Plants & Animals however don't feel the same as me.

As I'm so used to disaster, that when catastrophe happens, I'm never disappointed.

Back to my reality.

Cheney Family Tradition/Values

Lawrence O'Donnell - The disgrace that is The Cheneys Visit:

Former VPUS Dick Cheney flexing civilian uncivil muscle with his daughter Liz

Cheney Family Tradition/Values Part #2

MSNBC's Rachel Maddow Goes After Liz Cheney - 10/30/09

and Mel Sembler, to back him.

Cheney Family Inc

MSNBC's Rachel Maddow Exposes Dick & Liz Cheney's "Funding Source" - 10/23/09

What turned up in my meanders are ??? Little Green Footballs???

for Clarity
name of a weblog; also an intense concentration of harsh truths known to aggravate existing cases of BDS (Bush Derangement Syndrome) and deepen delusional state amng people known by the term moonbat.

Fortunately I CAN,
always see the

Big Picture

President Bush or Vice-President Cheney NEVER went to Dover AFB to honor the fallen soldiers. O'Donnell tore Liz Cheney UP and it was due, since most of her statement was a LIE. From Countdown with Keith Olbermann...

Coffee, mozey

