Wednesday, January 20, 2010

No Worries


The Cab ride from Kimball featured Sean Hannity on the drivers radio. Though he had it on slightly audible, words like "Aryan" & "Obamacare" got through along with the "Message of Massachusetts, is the Message of America."

Jim Crow caws on the airwaves with predatory delight.

The Lack of a successor for the imminent vacancy of Senator Kennedy's' seat is the lesson learned. Political Activism by Democrats and Independents will be the result, The Republicans are picking and choosing their targets.Honesty is not their strength but their dishonesty is winning the power to do as they please.

Soo, Shame on who? A Naked Man in a pick-up Truck getting atta-boys from older guys?
An electorate given a poor selection and required to choose?

The Cabbie told me, it was a way to stop the spread of Socialism. Hmm,so I told him that the Military, Every Elected Official, Police, Firefighters are all Government Employeesl with Healthcare benefits. that's pretty socialistic!"

Nope, "I want you who disagrees with me & me to have healthcare as good as theirs." 
My stop arrived, the fare was $9.75 I gave him a twenty, asked for $8 back and wished him a good night.

My Recurrent malignant glioma has a ways to go before it goes instead of me. It is identical to the celebratory rants broadcast by Newscorp offspring and affiliations. Repeating my Post to THE HILL Column yesterday

Brown snags Mass. Senate seat in stunning upset win for Republicans

By Aaron Blake 01/20/10 12:06 AM ET
It is precursor of adverbs, adjectives & hyperboles resounding of the Republican in Massachusetts. There was an echo of the 2008 Presidential Campaign, or better yet the Din of Bush, Rove, Cheney, Rumsfeld, crew flexing rhetoric on the fear beaten.

No Worries, Shake it off move Forward. Moral Imperatives still breath.

Machiavelli advised that fear was a great tool for maintaining power. Also if the opposition was unable to retaliate then attack. Sounds familiar to pre-2000 till now.

Chit with ya',



Tabor said...

I think that is the bottom line. That everyone gets a fair shake and it has nothing to do with socialism.

Peter Lott Heppner said...

Yep, pretty much, in the cab was an American Hannity rants to; a very obedient, justifiably angry, frustrated human, still trying to make it one more time, but Hannity has the answers, Obama does not.

This was someone in the flesh, not someone in theory or a poll,full of the hatred spewing, regurgitating. Again, no worries,2008 was a year of house cleaning, The North and South are as divided as the early colonies,and collectively we saw the numbers. Saw the venom. Somehow I saw a Neuro-oncology Team, and still voted.

Now I write for therapy, which provides purpose.

Thanx Tabor