Saturday, November 8, 2008

3 Simple Reasons Why I voted for Barack Obama And Joe Biden

3 Simple Reasons Why I voted for

Barack Obama and Joe Biden.

The First Reason I voted for Barack Obama and Joe Biden is:

ü Senators Obama & Biden know that Change is a Constant

o They know that, the ability to direct Change requires the involvement of others

o They know that, Americans are Interdependent with other peoples and will continue to grow more so

The Second Reason I voted for Barack Obama and Joe Biden is:

ü They will return This Country to US, We the People

o This means Healthcare Of the People, By the People, and For the People

o This means Education that prepares One for Life, Liberty and The Pursuit of Happiness


The Third Reason I voted for Barack Obama and Joe Biden is:

ü They understand Our role as temporary caretakers of this planet,

o Our responsibility to Human Dignity helps the less fortunate

o Our commitment to a Healthy Environment insures a place to live

You had your Reasons, these 3 were mine

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