Monday, November 10, 2008

One Body One Life One Mind One Spirit

One Body
One Life
One Mind
One Spirit

That’s all we are given without choice, but from and with assistance of others We Live, We Laugh, We Learn, then hopefully One Day We Love Life. Then on that day it becomes no longer the question of How is Life treating US? But?! How are We Treating Life!

Yesterday, Sunday November 9th, 2008 off the coast of Les Sables d’Olonne France, 30 Sailors in 30 boats set sail into the trade winds to navigate the 28,000 mile www.Vendé Race.

Which means:
One Sky
One Sailor
One Boat
One World
One 28,000 Mile Open Ocean Race

Bringing Real Meaning to the Power of One!

Pretend for a moment That One is You at the Helm and the Race is your Life!

Reflect for a moment about the miles on a car, the circumference of the Earth and the walk to the store.

How do Politics, War, Truth, and Justice Look To You Now?

How does your Time and Energy Fit into this?

Only One Thing to Say……..Make Today A

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