Wednesday, May 6, 2009

On those notes

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

You are reading from the book Today's Gift

"Take it away at once," stormed the Princess, stamping her tiny foot in its embroidered slipper. "I hate real flowers; their petals fall off and they die."
  —Hans Christian Andersen

If love is reserved for things that never die, love is doomed to die. If flowers fade in a minute or two, will not stones wear to sand in time? Even this earth, this garden of life, one day will be like the dust of stars. We must walk gratefully, carefully on it now. Now is the lifetime that passes here, now is the best of all days; now is the flower's eternity in the sun, our chance of a lifetime.

This is all we have, this moment. Within it, anything can be done, any dream fulfilled, if we only use it well. Why hold back? There is nothing to stop us.

What can I do to use this moment well?

From Today's Gift: Daily Meditations for Families ©1985, 1991 by Hazelden Foundation. All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. No portion of this publication may be reproduced in any manner without the written permission of the publisher.

The Health of Air, Water, Soil, Integrated with all that has lived, is living and hopefully will live are full body concerns of mine.  Shuffle through my archives and you'll read testimony of my interests which are as diverse as the moments that have brought to this one.  This morning began with the usual readings and bemusement arrived in the Today's Gift entry.

A Sparrow just stopped to say hi. It's spring mating season and the females are being pursued by multiple suitors eager for temporary liason, in order to bring life to an empty nest. The visits are frequent.

Keppra and Zoloft in 30 minutes, coffee cup waits for refill, so what if it's from yesterday and outside cool temperature, a hot pot is only 5-10 minutes away.

Draft autosaved at 7:10 AM

54 Farenheit and it looks like the Rain Gods are going to do their duties.

Getting back to Air Water Soil & Fate:  Prior entries and Today's Gift remind again of seamless connectivity that  is everywhere, everyday.

A municipal maintenance truck arrives under the Ravenswood tracks then Nextel's  dispatch. 
  • Private Contractor Logo unfamiliar, 
  • conversation distant
  • they wait
Waiting for an idea

Draft autosaved at 7:24AM

Chit with ya'


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