From Book Passages
Mickey S. Huff - Mickey S. Huff is Assistant Professor of History at Diablo Valley College, Adjunct Lecturer in Sociology at Sonoma State University, Associate Director of Project Censored, is a member of the board of directors for the nonprofit Media Freedom Foundation, and former Co-director of the alternative public opinion research agency Retropoll. He teaches courses in U.S. Media History, Sociology of Media, Post 9/11 Studies, Critical Thinking, and Popular Culture. He has been published most recently in Censored 2009 from Seven Stories Press, co-authoring Media Reform Meets Truth Emergency and>Deconstructing Deceit: 9/11, the Media, and Myth Information.
Benjamin Frymer - Benjamin Frymer is an assistant professor of sociology at Sonoma State University. He is an AERA/IES Postdoctoral Fellow at the Institute for Urban and Minority Education at Columbia University's Teachers College. His doctoral dissertation and forthcoming book, The Spectacle of Columbine examines the media construction of youth alienation following the Columbine shootings. Frymer works in the areas of critical theory, alienation, media and cultural studies, aesthetic education, ideology, youth, and the sociology of education, religion, and culture.
Peter Phillips - Peter Phillips joined the Sociology Department in 1994 after completing a Ph.D. at U.C. Davis. He teaches courses Political Sociology, Power, Sociology of Media and Media Censorship. Dr. Phillips is the director of Project Censored an internationally known media research program that annually identifies the Most Censored news stories in the United States. The annual research book produced by Project Censored is entitled Censored: The News That Didn't Make the News, and is available from Seven Stories Press.
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