Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Quality Lazy Time

Memories of the Saturday evenings' music and conversation with friendly people in a well lit big room, filtered  Sunday mornings'  gray sky.  40 degree rain didn't matter. The bed was warm. Nothing was on the schedule. A weeks worth of leftovers meant grazing for everyone, all day.  Chores & Homework had been done. Itinerary was get good at being lazy. No plans just moments. Scrabble. Legos. Read.  Write. Look out the window. Diamond never barked and  Sprite never begged for a kitty treat. They went with the flow of slow. We became their pillows, headrests. They with their fur brought warmth to the calm. A well stoked fireplace eased the Day into Evening. It was good. Glad I was there. Should have written about it sooner. Nah!

1 comment:

Tabor said...

Wonderful. I have had a few days in my life like that. Thanks for the memories.