Friday, May 14, 2010



May 13, 2010 9:14am
·        Am trying to use my left side again
·        Sensitivity, dexterity for my leg, arm & hand are nil beginning with poor agility and strength  in the shoulder
·        The left side is fading fast 9:35pm
·        Difficulty in lifting to turn off a light switch
·        Sore all over
·        Tying shoes is a joke
·        Putting on socks ridiculous
·        Getting dressed has to be done sitting down
·        Poor balance
·        Left hand just drops stuff
·        Now my forearm is cool
·        I’m pissed
·        Buttons and zippers are as frustrating as seatbelts
o        it’s as if my left hand forgot what to do with my right hand

May 14, 2010 7:40am
§         Have spent 40 minutes trying to button my shorts
§         Have not taken my meds yet
§         Lifting my left arm is a chore

Chit with ya',


1 comment:

Tabor said...

Oh crap! Glad to find you so cheerful...;-)