Thursday, August 27, 2009

Walked the Talk


Separating Wheat from Chaff is what farmers do.

Thin the Herd has many meanings.

Who gets to chose is quite popular.

Is lying to communities in order to to send young people to die to protect corporate property Moral?
When is self interest healthy?
Who has the right to decide?
Who enables Justice?
Who are the stakeholders?
Do you know?
Tell US !

Courage has growth pangs,
HR 676 will work,

It's almost September

I want to Dance for many good reasons, for many more seasons,

I Hope you will Dance with Me.

Can you hear the rain on the leaves?
Can you feel the fan helping the breeze?
Can you see 100 years of America reaching for the noble aspirations in the daily reminder from Emma Lazarus?

Touch my grasp and you will.
Because you are free to do so.

Tonite we dine in celebration of those who have walked the talk, for the memories of good that we should be.


Have a Great day


Peter Lott Heppner

My Photo

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