Saturday, March 20, 2010

50's, 60 years later


Healthcare Reform in America begun one hundred years ago, and resuscitated from time to time since then, of providence for the past year resembles the struggle against slavery, equal rights for women, civil rights for the black vote south of the Mason Dixon line in the 1940's, 50's, & 60's. Efforts to integrate common sense with progress obstructed by the same tactics of division as can be described in Have No Fear, The Charles Evers Story.  While one can open the book to any page and find corollary to current strategies used by the Opponents of Obama during the 2008 Campaign, & concurrent Presidency, the Moral Ability to know the difference between right and wrong does matter.

 Courage requires honesty, depth of character and perseverance against deception. Fortitude a word from the 12th century common era is resilience requisite to brush back recalcitrance that has 2500 years of patriarchal homage. It's proponents number a portion of 535 relegating the fate of the fluctuating population of 6.5 Billion humanoids. Given the choice between voting Up or Down with Healthcare Reform tomorrow, Fear is not allowed. Voting Up for Reform supplies solutions to the collective conscience that needs healing.

As the World Economy heals from the plunder by derivatives, The Work will be done by  Labor that is physically , mentally and spiritually strong.

The next time someone yells America is the Greatest Country on Earth they had better say so in deeds not deceit. Deem and Pass will do fine. Whatever it takes to move forward like time,
instead of  being herded between a Stonewall and a Log Cabin which is where we are now.

Abortion is a Women's Healthcare Choice

Tomorrow'shealthcare vote Schedule

today's cartoon
From the Cartoonist Group.
View more cartoons in the archive.

Chit with ya'

Peter Lott Heppner


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