Cynicism and Sardonicism, if witty can heal a collective mind.
Politico Playback will determine which side of the joke you are on.
Journalism is supposed to explain what Others See
"Real Journalism", "Rare"
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And then this turns -up,
I ask
Our Country?
Good God, what is this country coming to? It seems the film Creation, a major-production biopic about Charles Darwin starring Paul Bettany and Jennifer Connelly, won't be seen in the United States because no distributor with the guts to stand up to...
Another Clue as to why there is difficulty in legislating Insurance Healthcare Reform For All.
History Lesson
Time Goes By - aging and what it's really like to get older
On radio, television, in books, film documentaries and the internet, Danny Schechter has been fighting the good, progressive fight since his college days.
During an interview with Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner on Good Morning America, Diane Sawyer whitewashed the extremism on display during the 9-12 protests by asserting that people at the protests were "saying things like, look at the reality. ...
Amanda Terkel, blogger for ThinkProgress, explains how progressives should respond to the Glenn Beck phenomenon. Beck is the Fox News host who helped drive the right-wing, anti-government "teabagging" protest in Washington on September 12, 2009. Terkel has written a number of articles that not only expose the ugliness of Beck's rhetoric but also detail how Beck's faux populism lines up with conservative money interests. Terkel says that progressives cannot afford to be silent while Beck creates a political atmosphere in which green jobs champion Van Jones is fired from his job in the Obama administration and the Senate acts to cut off funding for ACORN.
Current Projections
Escalating health care costs threaten to erode the income of the more than 160 million people who depend on employer-sponsored coverage. Without real changes to our health care system, annual health care ...
El presidente Barack Obama proclamó hoy el Mes de la Herencia Hispana a celebrarse del 15 de septiembre al 15 de octubre. Celebramos la cultura, las contribuciones y el triunfo de nuestros hermanos hispanos en los Estados Unidos.
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