Monday, September 14, 2009

Demonstration Definition


One of the aching thoughts about Healthcare Reform is that it clarifies one's Humanity towards Humanity. Those that are striving for "All In No One Out" are demonstrating inclusion; Positive Thinking

Those that are Working to "Kill Healthcare" are defining exclusion; Negative Thinking

To the Yays, you have my support

To the Nays, do you mind if we help you when you get hurt? or sick?

Let us remind you of The Universal Golden Rule "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you"

These words are a healer philosophy, a belief system which has been both used to help and abused to hurt. Help is better.

saw this after writing this

(Via Heather, ) Rachel Maddow weighs in on the fringe elements of the conservative movement taking over the Republican party

So a few Questions:
(Click on them)

One fact is:
One Plan will not fit all. As unique and specific as each of is, so to is/must-be our Healthcare Dynamics. Eventually just as there exists International Organization for Standardization, Global Healthcare will exist because of Natural Progression. People do get Sick around the World.
In 1948 The World Health Organization (WHO)was created by 55 Nations

In 1959, Cuba began their Foreign Policy with what is defined as Medical Diplomacy

In 1961, President Eisenhower gave his Farewell Address in which he described America's Military Industrial Complex

In 1971, doctors and journalists in France, created a humanitarian group called Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF).

We know it today as the international medical humanitarian organization Doctors Without Borders

WHO practices Health Diplomacy.

Medical Diplomacy as a means for international relations, would fit alongside the human basics of Water, Food, Clothing & Shelter.

America can be a Medical Industrial Complex.

To all, here are words that can heal someone today.

Monday, September 14, 2009

You are reading from the book Touchstones

When a person drowns himself in negative thinking he is committing an unspeakable crime against himself.
—Maxwell Maltz

Negative thoughts can rule our lives as compulsively as an addiction. The feelings of power we get from holding a dismal and gloomy outlook deprive us of the positive and pleasant parts of life. Some of us have said, "If I expect the worst, I won't be disappointed. If I think the worst about myself, no one else can cut me down." It is like taking a driving trip and looking only for trash and garbage in the ditches, ignoring the beauty beyond. Indeed, what we see may be real, but it is a very limited piece of the picture.

When we have relied on negative thinking, it feels risky to give it up. We cannot do it in one day. We can begin by imagining ourselves with a more open attitude toward the world and ourselves. Then we can try it out as an experiment in little ways, with no commitment. Finally we reach the point where we can take a risk and entrust our Higher Power with the outcome.

Today, I will experiment with hopeful and positive thoughts about what happens.

From Touchstones: A Book of Daily Meditations for Men ©1986, 1991 by Hazelden Foundation. All rights reserved. No portion of this publication may be reproduced in any manner without the written permission of the publisher.

Fortunately it is Monday a fresh slate begins

+ = +
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Al Jazeera speaks to two American doctors on either side of the divide.

This weeks assignment

The No Complaining Rule by Jon Gordon

Ya' know!?
these moments
are contagious
Be happy about working through the challenges, and you'll be happy. Be happy for the opportunity to transform problems into achievements, and you'll be happy.

Stereo: Purcell (1659 - 1695). I. Sound the trumpet. Sound the trumpet, sound the trumpet, sound the trumpet! Sound, sound, sound the trumpet till around You make the list'ning shores rebound. ...

As usual have a Great Day,

Peter Lott Heppner

Retired Brig. Gen. Tom Daniels, 62,
He flew missions in Vietnam. In the Pentagon, he served proudly under President George H.W. Bush — "whom I loved," he added.

In an effort to raise support for dramatic changes in the veterans benefits claims process, the Disabled American Veterans is hosting an online rally starting tomorrow, inviting members and military supporters through a host of social networking sites.

John Cory writes, "Let's face it folks, if health care was manufacturing or Walmart, the jobs and services would already have been outsourced to the cheapest foreign competitor." (Photo: esthera

Hannah Arendt (1906–1975) was one of the most influential political philosophers of the twentieth century. Born into a German-Jewish family, she was forced to leave Germany in 1933 and lived in Paris for the next eight years, working for a number of Jewish refugee organisations. ...

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