Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Outcast? Alone? Nationless?


There are moments that only I can enjoy, because only I can feel them. The special wonder of the mist that makes trees happy, that I have a 3rd floor view, that there is a pot of coffee just brewed, that there is a full Ravenswood heading downtown with its metal roar feet from window, loud enough to drown conversation with ease. that the building management maintenance crew is going to replace a wall in my shower enclosure today, that meals on wheels arrived early today, that somehow someway there are others who love life with all it's imperfections as well, despite those who prey on those because of them.

I reflect on my childhood, my family, my friends, strangers, feeling powerless to help; ineffectual for over 40 years with my family, slightly effective with friends, of greater impact upon strangers because of my ability to give what I could which they were grateful for, as small as a sandwich or a dollar with a kind word can be.

There is disparity between ambition and social measure, between solace and sharing, between what I know about me and how others see me, between why and outcome, between those that have and those that know, between value systems of people versus profit, between the righteous and the indigenous.

How do we utilize the onetime only uniqueness of each person, each people, to prevent the outcast, the alone, the nationless from being excluded? Through Moral aptitude! The following sentence:

"An intellectually honest argument over the best policy response to the challenges of ( ) is one thing; disingenuous attempts to diminish or distort the reality of these challenges is quite another"

In a letter by PG&E’s Chief Executive Peter Darbee as the explanation for why,

"The utility yesterday quit the Chamber of Commerce, over the group’s “extreme” position on climate change."

While Mr. Darbee did say climate change, the euphemism for global warming, The sentence itself has so many other effective spaces to fill, hence the parenthesis.

( Healthcare Reform, Immigration reform, Pentagon budget reform, Foreign Policy reform, Environmental Awareness, Indigenous People Protection...)

While the sentence fragment

"disingenuous attempts to diminish or distort the reality of these challenges is quite another"

has been a strategy for dominion under the guise of natural hierarchy, to the detriment of those opposed. It is the precedent sentence fragment,

"An intellectually honest argument over the best policy response to the challenges"

which is as multi functional as the antecedent, however with better results because of its' synergistic intent.

Another Example:

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

You are reading from the book Today's Gift

When we do the best we can, we never know what miracle is wrought in our life, or the life of another.
—Helen Keller

It is a great loss when we underestimate the importance of our efforts in the life of another. One man, who had to spend some time in a hospital, waited day after day to receive a card or a telephone call from those who cared. Some people, who he expected to call or write, did not. Others, who the man had not felt close to, and whom he did not expect to hear from, surprised him with their concern. He came to place greater value on those who had cared enough to call or send a card.

A little act, the best we have at that moment, makes a big difference to the person on the other end. Knowing this helps us make sure that all our acts, even the smallest, are as good as we can make them, because they all make a difference.

What small acts of those around me have made a difference to me?

From Today's Gift: Daily Meditations for Families ©1985, 1991 by Hazelden Foundation. All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. No portion of this publication may be reproduced in any manner without the written permission of the publisher.

& Another:

As a fresh immigration reform debate gears up in Washington, D.C., a wide range of faith groups are showing a new, unexpected, and grassroots-led social activism that’s rooted in theological and moral ground. ...

& Another:

Welcome to the Global Spirit Circle. We would like to thank our funders and partners, and also offer ways you can get involved in supporting this innovative and life-affirming programming

& Another:

Tiki Taane (New Zealand) firstcame to prominence in the popscene as the front man for theNew Zealand reggae band ... more

& Another:

For this is the greatest secret of success in all ventures. Muscle can split a shield and even destroy life but only the unseen power of love can open the hearts of men and until I master this art I will remain no more than a peddler in the market place. ...

Substitute the word "others" for the word "men"

& Another through Antithesis:

Media Matters for America

& Versus Another

The real purpose of the right's attacks on ACORN is to destroy a remarkably successful 50-year-old grassroots model for defending the poor and workers.

& Another

Senior Scare
Today, the U.S. Health and Human Services Department took its first steps toward cracking down on misinformation disseminated by Medicare providers.

& Another here at Home

Bone Density Exam

Time Goes By - aging and what it's really like to get older

& Another Overseas

Nearly killed by terrorists, this rabbi dedicated himself to helping drug addicts, including Muslims

Generalities, Absolutisms, Predictabilities are befuddled by the Exception.

Sooo Lastly

Watching the healthcare debate unfold these days is a little like watching scenes from “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest”—the ones showing a collage of strung-out, deranged or otherwise incapacitated patients rotting away in a squalid psychiatric ward.

Have a great sleep,


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